Sunday, January 3, 2010

...So I've been thinking...

that I should really write more. So I have given myself a little task to write something everyday of 2010 in a place where people can see it and see how it goes. I have never been any good at keeping a diary or a journal before, so this will require me reaching into hereto untapped resolve and determination. Some days it wil be really short and others I suspect will be long and rambling, hopefully it will be worth reading. Let me know. Roll on 2010!


  1. You mispelled "untapped hetero" btw

  2. I'm lucky if I can put something out once a fortnight. Good luck!

  3. If you can dedicate at least one blog to espouse about the virtues of ROOT! I'll be least it'll be someone else other than me crapping on about them, hahaha.

    But that stuff aside, I look forward to the read...
